A curtain wall is an external layer of a building in which the external walls are non-structural, but simply keep out the weather. As the curtain wall is non-structural it can be made of a lightweight material reducing construction costs. When glass is used as the curtain wall, a great advantage is that natural daylight can go through deeper within the building. The curtain wall façade does not carry any dead load weight from the building other than its own dead load weight. The wall transfers horizontal wind loads that are incident upon it to the main building structure through connections at floors or columns of the building. A curtain wall is designed to resist air and water infiltration, sway induced by wind and seismic forces acting on the building and its own dead load weight forces.
- High rise commercial and residential towers
- Shopping Complexes
- Hotels
- Airport
- Bus Stations
- Metro Stations

Structural Glazing Installation Glass Work
Structural glazing is a system of bonding glass to an aluminum window frame operating a high performance, high-strength, silicone sealant. It uses the adhesive qualities of silicone sealants to retain the glass in the frame by adhesion without the necessity of any mechanical retention such as beads, clips or bolt fixings. Structural glazing with sealants allows perfectly uniform large glazed surfaces, not interrupted by traditional frames or any other supporting or fitting system projecting out of the frame. Instead of being fitted in a frame, the glass is fixed to a support, which in turn is attached to a structural element of the building, the tightness of the whole system being obtained by a silicone seal. The glass is fixed on its support by means of a silicone seal along the edges of the internal surface. This technique can be used with almost all types of glass, including insulating glass units.